How to Reclaim Your Healthy Lean Body with Good Tasty Food
Here is how this applies directly to you: if you learn about what paleo food is and use that knowledge to your advantage you will avoid gaining excess fat on your body as well as gaining belly fat. You will regain your lean healthy looking body from your youth and reclaim lost energy which will make you more vital and bring back more sparks to your relationships. With that extra energy you will avoid becoming a slouch and staying home watching mindless TV series. Instead you will join your friends, have a more fulfilling relationship with them and the people you care about.
What to Eat to Get a Lean Body
Paleo food is a modern day version of what our caveman ancestors ate. This is the food that we humans ate when we were still living as hunter-gatherers and before we settled and became farmers. This is the very food we have been eating for millions of years of our evolution.
Our caveman ancestors got their food from hunting and fishing as well as collecting egg, fruit, vegetables, root vegetables, berries and all sorts of nuts.
Modern day paleo food would therefore consist of these food items:
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- meats
- fish and seafood
- eggs
- vegetables and root vegetables
- fruits and berries
- nuts, for example macadamia and walnuts
- herbs and spices
Paleo food excludes the two main food items produced from modern day farming. These food items are dairy products and grain products. Dairy products such as cheese, milk as well as yogurt. Examples of grain products are wheat, rice and legumes. These products contain anti-nutrients that prevent the body’s absorptions of important nutrients. In addition paleo food also excludes refined sugar. Read here if you want to know how to compose a paleo meal.
Typically paleo food is more nutrient-dense then refined food items such as grains, sugars and dairy products. Therefore you get more important vitamins and minerals from this food. At the same time it is less energy-dense, which means you feel satisfied before you have had too much of your food. Research has shown that this is a very good start for achieving long-term weight loss.
The fiber content of the paleo food is higher than that of your everyday modern food and typically also many of the food items have low glycemic index which means these food items has less affect on your blood sugar level. Having a stable blood sugar level is very important for body’s ability to stay lean and healthy.
Get Started on Your Lean Body Right Now
Here are three action steps to make sure you understand what paleo food is and to understand what to eat to get lean and healthy:
Step 1: Start off by re-read this article and make sure you know which food items to exclude.
Step 2: Then take some items in the kitchen or go to the store and pick some items from the shelves and read the list of ingredients and see which products that are actually paleo. You get a sense for what to look for and what to avoid which puts you up for a successful paleo eating.
Step 3: Now, try the paleo food for real. Get the “Get Lean with Paleo: Quick Start Guide” for FREE here. This guide gives you insights and step-by-step instructions on how to use paleo food to get the lean body you want.
⇒ Now, go and get the “Get Lean with Paleo: Quick Start Guide” for FREE here!